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Product Description

The cardamom is widely used spice in Asian continent for its renowned flavor and aroma. Adrianna Springs Impex is one of the leading cardamom exporters in India. We are the company that pays top most importance to the quality at the reliable price which made us the distinct cardamom suppliers in India.
Cardamom an intensively aromatic and resinous fragrance is also referred to as “Queen of Spices”. India has both small and large cardamom under its production. Small cardamom is of high demand throughout the year.
Green cardamom is one of the more expensive spices by weight, but little is needed to impart flavor. It is best stored in the pod as exposed or ground seeds quickly lose their flavor. Grinding the pods and seeds together lowers both the quality and the price.
Indian cardamom is offered to the international markets in different grades: ‘Alleppey Green Extra Bold’ (AGEB), ‘Alleppey Green Bold’ (AGB) and ‘Alleppey Green Superior’ (AGS).
‘Alleppey Green Extra Bold’ (AGEB)
Density g/l –   435 g/l  
Size (mm)   –  ≥ 7.0 mm
Alleppey Green Bold (AGB)
Density g/l – 415 g/l
Size (mm) –  ≥ 6.0 mm
Density g/l   – 385 g/l  
Size (mm) – ≥ 5.0 mm
Loadability: 12 MT IN 20 FCL
Packaging: 5 KG Plastic bag x 4 bags further into Master Carton.
Delivery: 15 Days from  order confirmation